About Us

Kristina Webb Owner/designer
Boho jewelry for the modern Wanderess
"Wanderlust Hearts is handcrafted Boho Jewelry inspirited by the way our feelings affect our daily style choices.” -Kristina Webb
Wanderlust Hearts Owner/designer -Kristina Webb
A colorful boho babe with a gothic streak, Kristina is a Wife and mother in Upstate New York. Self-taught in jewelry techniques and always learning to improve her passion for the crafting of stylish boho jewelry and accessories for the modern boho wanderess.
A life full of creativity in so many ways...
Since a child I’ve always had many creative outlets I took interest in.
From charcoal sketching still life pictures, frequent nature hikes, rock hounding, making friendship bracelets for all of my friends ,to even believing I was going to be a huge fashion designer when I was only 14 years old.
I took jewelry making classes in high school, but I had no idea jewelry crafting would come back in my life in full force in 2012.
I was working at UPS for nearly 10 years when I was injured on the job and required two hip joint surgeries within eleven months. The recovery and therapy times being extensive had me extremely bored! I was always on the move and not being able to get around was very frustrating for me.
I was out trying to be active on my trusty crutches browsing the craft section of my local craft shop looking for new charcoal pencils one day when I came across the strung bead section. I was in awe! Instantly my mind started working overtime with all of the beautiful things I could create!
And so Wanderlust Hearts was born!
I am self taught and always looking to learn more techniques to make my jewelry better and better. I do hope you enjoyed the story of how my jewelry business came to be!
~Kristina @Wanderlust Hearts